Discover recovery by working the 12 steps of Codependents Anonymous[CoDA]
Discover how to work with others to repair and rebuild relationships with your soul, your brain, your body, your self, your partner, your children, your ex, your family, your neighbors, your tribe, your work life, your past and your future.
No kidding.
All that for free.
[Some effort on your part is required.]
Discovery & Recovery
There are two kinds of growth and learning: discovery and recovery. Both are essential and unavoidable in working the 12 steps. In order to progress you will need to abandon the world of being right and knowing the right answer and from a clean slate Discover for Yourself something true for the first time. You can read ten books on riding a bicycle but it’s only when you discover for your self the experience of balance in motion, that you can say “ I know how to ride a bike.” The world is full of advice and guidance, most of it makes no difference until you discover it for yourself.
The other kind of learning involves recovering the soul’s knowledge. This is a kind of remembering of truths you once knew but have forgotten. You already know all of this, I’m just reminding you.
It’s your recovery, you just have to find your way toward it. The 12 steps suggest a path forward, but it’s your job to step onto the path. Over and over again. But don’t worry. If you just look around, you’ll see that you’re not alone. So it’s not hard at all to find companions discovering each for themselves a path very similar to the one you are choosing. Start making footprints by choosing to step on the path.
Working With Others
Suffering is isolating. Healing is public. Healing works best with connection and company.
So find a meeting by visiting and explore all the available meetings in your area. I invite you to visit [my local CoDA website] where all of the meetings in Minnesota are listed with log in information. Most of the meetings are held online, so you aren’t limited by geography.
The only requirement for membership in CoDA is a desire for healthy and loving relationships.
Healthy Loving Relationships?
In CoDA you learn to distinguish healthy relationships from toxic relationships. You learn to distinguish what is missing that would make a difference in your current relationships. You learn the skills and practices needed to participate as an equal in every relationship. You unlearn behavior patterns based on fearfulness, anxiety, worry and regret. You learn to diminish the impact of shame, denial, resentment and fear. You will move out of a world of reactive emotionality and move towards a totally new understanding and experience of well being.
Working The First 3 Steps
Admit it …
You’re powerless over other people, (and over all kinds of other stuff, too).
Become Willing …
To be restored. Do you have any idea of what’s missing in your life?
Choose God …
I mean really? What is there left that you can reliably choose?